6.1. Establish a Foundation for Biblical Discipleship (by Adam Pulaski)
( Isa. 55:8-9 ) We are to think God's thoughts after Him. Unless our thoughts are in
agreement with His, they are to be discarded. Our ways, our habits and practices are to change, to be directed and guided by God's word and commandments regardless of our
feelings or our opinions. We cannot mix our thoughts with His, else God's word becomes polluted. God's words are pure and cannot be mixed with carnal thoughts.
( Rom. 8:28-29 ; John 14:21 ) As we think God's thoughts and do what He commands,
God enters and intervenes in our lives and into our situation. Regardless if we cause the problem or caused by others, if we respond God's way, He will turn the situation to our advantage. When necessary the Holy Spirit will make His presence known by giving a deep sense of His love and care, helping and giving confidence, forgiveness, and assurance - giving whatever the believer needs.
( 1 Cor. 10:13 ; Eph. 6:10-12 ) The devil operates only in the carnal which is common
to man but we are spiritual. We don't fight him with reason, by will-power, by tangibles: For our weapons are not carnal but spiritual and are mighty to tear down the strongholds of the enemy. Thus, our trust and faith is in God and in Him we face our temptations. God will see us through. He is our refuge, our fortress, our God in whom we trust. It is He who delivers us from the demons ( Ps. 91:1-3 ).
( Heb. 4:14-16 ; 2 Cor. 5:21 ; Heb. 9:14 ; Eph. 2:4-10 ) Jesus went to the end of
temptation, and far beyond it. He did not collapse for no man was ever tempted as He
was. He suffered all of this to secure the ideal and perfect righteousness for us that we may be acceptable to His Father. Based on what Jesus did, we are given the right to enter the Throne room and receive the very help of God Himself: to enable us by His grace to confront any trial, to conquer and triumph over any situation and circumstances of life. God is able to do this because His Son, while on earth, suffered the same trials we do. He knows how to walk through and conquer, and we in Him are to do likewise.
( Eph. 4:22-24 ; Rom. 6:6 ) You must exercise your own will to put-off the old man, the man you were before you accepted Christ. As you choose God's way, the emphasis now is to make new, readjust, change, turn around and regenerate your mind by God's word which becomes the very Presence of Christ in the believer. You have Christ's mind and you are to allow the Spirit of Christ to focus your mind more and more upon God and spiritual things. Becoming a new man, you can now begin life all over again. Your spirit has been recreated into the righteousness and holiness of the truth. This qualifies you to have fellowship with God, enabled to become obedient to God's will and devoted to His service.
( Col. 1:10 ; 1 John 1:7 ) Becoming a new person means activity. It is not enough to
know God's will, possess wisdom and understanding - all this must be put into practice. We are to set our lives, our behavior and conduct after Christ - being fruitful in every good work. As we increase in the knowledge of God, His presence and power also increases to enable us to exercise every kind of endurance, patience, forbearance with joy.
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