4.6. Anger and Bitterness
We are the sum of what we experienced in life and our reactions to these experiences. To the extent we are offended, become angry and irritated, we are limited to that extent in our spiritual walk.
• ( Rom. 12:10-11 ; Gal. 6:1 ) Our job is to restore, not to condemn or
criticize, so that we can establish God's Kingdom of peace on earth by
walking free of irritations, of criticism, of faultfinding, of blame shifting.
This is accomplished by purity of heart, love and prayers for each other,
consciousness of being in the spirit by faith ( Gal. 5:22-23 ).
• ( Eph. 4:31-32 ; Gal. 6:14 ) By an act of our will, we put-off, and by an
act of the will we put-on being a blessing. No longer controlled by life's
irritations, but we use these irritations as opportunities to reveal Christ
within to touch the other person(s).
• ( Matt. 12:34-35 ) No one or thing is the cause of your anger. The
offense reveals the spirit that is in you. Sinful anger reveals that you are
living to please self.
• ( Eph. 2:1-6 ) Desires of the flesh and mind are inhabited by envy,
jealousy, greed, and pride: the sources of anger. The enemy's job is to
keep you occupied and earthbound by these selfish feelings. This will keep
you from realizing the fullness of who and what you are in Christ Jesus.
• ( Rom. 5:3-5 ) Anger and bitterness are two noticeable signs of being
self-focused, and not trusting God's sovereignty in your life. Don't need to
protect your 'rights', the defense of self. The very things that upset you,
God will use to perfect and to motivate you to work through these
tribulations, becoming a blessing instead of a curse.
• ( 2 Pet. 1:4 ) Being a partaker of the divine nature, working through the
experiences of life God's way, we begin to realize that we are growing in
Christ, and truly being freed from the corruption of this world.
• ( Matt. 5:16 ; Eph. 4:1-3 ) Anger and bitterness are formidable
obstacles to biblical love, harmonious relationships, and maturity in Christ.
Failing to put off anger grieves the Holy Spirit and gives Satan a place in
your life obscuring your witness to others, and disrupting unity in the
body of Christ. Dealing biblically with anger and bitterness requires
wholehearted obedience to God's word in every circumstance and with
every person, even if your feelings dictate otherwise.
• ( 1 Pet. 1:13-16 ; Eph. 2:10 ; Phil. 3:13-14 ) Anger and bitterness
have no place in thought. We are to think dispassionately. The world lives
by experiences, by reason, by feelings, but we are to live by faith. We are
to live above experiences and reason. In order to think with security, we
must think about thinking. A thinking person realizes who and what he is
in Christ. He is above feelings and lives by his will based on the word of
God. He fights a good fight of faith, not feelings, and he pursues
excellencies being daily conformed to the image of Christ.
• ( Gen. 4:7 ; Prov. 24:10 ; Prov. 21:22 ) You are responsible for
controlling your spirit. Since God's word commands you to put away anger
and bitterness, then it is possible to do so.
• ( Luke 9:23 ; Gal. 5:16-17 ) Because of the ever-present temptation to
live for self rather than to live for God, you must obey God's word, pray
habitually, constantly depend on God's Spirit.
• ( Col. 1:10 ) You are not to allow anger to get the upper hand and gain
control of your mind or conduct, since Satan uses these opportunities to
affect your life. You must live in a manner to please the Lord no matter
how you feel.
• ( James 1:19-20 ) Quick to listen means to be quick to ask questions, to
get facts, to give time for the Holy Spirit to control you, then you can act
in a biblical manner.
Think Biblically
( Phil. 4:8 ; Ps. 23:1-6 ) We are to think biblically that God has promised to care for us in any situation, no matter how unsettling it may seem. Discipline your mind to honor and glorify God, to please Him in all situations. "Think" kind and tender thoughts toward the very person with whom you are or have been irritated. Focus your thoughts on solving the current problem ( James 1:5 ; James 3:13-18 ).
Speak Biblically
( Ps. 51:1-4 ; James 5:16 ; 1 John 1:9 ; Phil. 3:13-14 ) We are to speak biblically,
confess sins to the Lord and to those whom you have failed to love in a biblical manner. Don't talk about your past accomplishments, sorrows or defeats, hurts and pains but talk about the goodness of God in your life. Do not slander, gossip or use words that do not edify ( Prov. 10:18 ; Eph. 4:29 ).
Act Biblically
( Col. 3:13 ; James 1:21 ) Forgive others readily as God has forgiven you. Meditate on Scriptures related to overcoming anger and bitterness to remove the root of the foul spirit within.
( Ps. 1:1 ) Identify all danger signals, such as situations, places and personal contacts that bring temptation.
( Matt. 5:23-24 ) Make amends for wrongdoing and seek reconciliation.
( 1 Pet. 3:8-9 ) We are called to be a blessing especially to those who revile us.
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