Sunday, October 17, 2010

4.7. Depression

4.7. Depression


• Depression is essentially irresponsibility. There are some organic
malfunctions that may trigger feelings of depression. Most symptoms and
maladies defined as depression are the consequences of unbiblical habits
and/or sinful reactions to circumstances and other people. Depression
may be experienced by anyone and must be dealt with from God's
perspective and not from your own perspective or any other person's

( Gen. 4:3-7 ) God commands us by His word not to live by our feelings, but to decide
by my will to respond in a manner which is pleasing in His sight. To react to please self is to be mastered by the reactions which is sin.

( John 15:8-12 ; James 1:22-25 ) Depression is not to be used as an excuse for you to
live in an unbiblical manner. Even if you feel depressed, you are still to live biblically. Your thoughts, words, and actions are always to edify others and bring glory to God instead of just obeying God's word when you "feel like it".

( Ps. 32:3-5 ; Ps. 38:1-10 ; Col. 3:25 ) Symptoms defined as 'depression' are
sometimes precipitated by sin which means you are living to please yourself instead of living to please the Lord. If you do not repent, confess your self-centeredness and return to living in a biblical manner, you will experience even further difficulties.

( 1 Pet. 3:10-12 ; Rom. 8:11-14 ; Heb. 4:15-16 ) To love life and see good days, you
must turn from doing evil and be obedient to God's word. In spite of 'feeling' depressed,you can live biblically because of divine resources that God graciously provides for you. By faith be in the spirit, see self in the Throne room looking at life from God's perspective

( Gal. 5:16 ; Rom. 8:2 ). Pursue peace and harmony, run after it, flee from fear,
agitating passions, and immorality ( Ps. 23:1,6 ).

( Rom. 14:17-18 ; 1 John 4:18-21 ; Phil. 4:6-7 ) The way you feel and the way you
view yourself, your relationships, and your circumstances are often indications of whether you are living to please yourself or living to please the God. It is not the world or things of the world that should occupy our thoughts and time, but are you approaching life from God's perspective, living and thinking God's word. Fear, darkness, depression reveal an absence of loving God and my neighbor. It is our thinking which refuses to be taught by Christ or anyone else. This spirit exalts itself against God - the spirit of antichrist.


( John 16:33 ; Rom. 5:3-5 ; 1 Cor. 10:13 ) No matter how difficult any situation
appears, the Lord Jesus Christ has overcame it. God will not allow anything into your life that is beyond His control or beyond your ability to handle it without sinning. Trials are for your good, they will bring out the power of God in your life when you respond biblically.

( 1 Pet. 1:6-7 ; 2 Cor. 4:7-10 ) All the terrible things that are happening to you are but'light afflictions'. Look beyond the circumstances and see God in control, perfecting and maturing you for an eternal destiny.


( 1 Tim. 4:7-11 ; Rom. 6:11,13,19 ) All that I am, my talents, my time belong to the
Lord. A good steward is one who starts with God and from God. He puts off disobedience to God's word, and puts on living a disciplined and obedient life out of a consistent desire to please the Lord instead of self. Persistency is the key, it takes sweat and tears to break lifelong habit patterns.

( Matt. 7:1-5 ; 2 Cor. 10:3-5 ; Col. 3:2,5-9 ) In order to put off sinful habits, you must first identify them by examining your life in light of God's word. Once you have identified sins, repent, confess, and immediately put these sins aside.

( Gal. 5:16 ; Eph. 3:16-21 ; 1 Pet. 4:11 ) As you put on righteous deeds in the power
of the Holy Spirit, you are to glorify God to demonstrate your love for Him and to please Him in all things. We are to do regardless of how we feel. Be conscious of and practice the Presence of Christ within at all times.


( Eph. 5:14-18 ; James 4:17 ; Col. 3:17,23-24 ) Establish a biblical schedule for
fulfilling your God given responsibilities, keeping the schedule regardless of feelings of depression you may experience. Do all your work heartily as unto the Lord for His glory.

( 2 Cor. 4:10-12 ; Matt. 20:26-28 ; Phil. 2:3-7 ) Stop living to please self by following God's commandments. Regard others as more important than yourself, be a servant to God and others.

( 2 Cor. 12:7-10 ; Eph. 5:20 ; Heb. 12:1-2 ; Rev. 12:11 ) Do not be bitter about your
conditions, thank God for your circumstances or physical condition that you cannot
correct. But correct all deficiencies in your life that hinder you from serving God and others. Share your sufferings with the Lord and deepen your faith.

( 1 Cor. 11:31 ; Eph. 4:29 ; Col. 4:6 ; 2 Cor. 10:5 ; James 1:25 ) Biblical selfevaluation is necessary in every area of your life which includes your actions, your relationships with others, your words and your thought life. As you obey God's word in all areas of your life, you will receive the Lord's blessings.

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