4.3. Why There is Hope- Your Hope in the Midst of Trials
1. Those in Christ are freed from the power and penalty of sin ( Rom. 6:3-
7,14,18,23 ). The past is dealt with once and forever. To listen to the past is to
listen to demons, and to dishonor the Blood of Christ ( Heb.l0:10,14-22 ). We
are to give our time and effort to the present.
2. God will not allow believers to be tested or tempted beyond what they
can bear. He gives His grace and strength to endure every test and resist every
temptation so that you never have to sin ( Rom. 8:35-39 ; 1 Cor. 10:13 ; 2
Cor. 4:7-10 ; 2 Cor. 12:9-10 ; Phil. 4:13 ; Heb. 4:15-16 ; 2 Pet. 2:4-9 ).
3. Our Lord Jesus Christ will grant mercy and provide grace to help in every
need . He constantly intercedes as an advocate for you to God the Father and
fully understands your weaknesses ( Heb. 2:18 ; Heb. 4:15-16 ; Heb. 7:25 ;
Rom. 5:10 ; John 20:23 ). Don't defend self when treated unfairly, or suffering
injustices. As your advocate, let Jesus handle evil done to you on earth. Our job
is to love our enemies, do good to those who persecute you, to express goodwill
to them: put them in the hands of God; pray that they may receive spiritual
blessings in Christ ( Rom. 12:19 ).
4. Trials and testings will develop and mature you in Christ if you respond to
them in God's way ( Rom. 5:3-5 ; James 1:2-4 ). He never devises evil or harm
for you, rather His plans for you are for good ( Gen. 50:20 ; Deut. 8:2,5,16 ;
Ps. 145:17 ; Jer. 29:ll-13 ; Rom. 8:28-29 ; Prov. 24:10 ; Prov. 21:22 ).
5. God's peace and joy are available to believers regardless of others,
possessions or circumstances ( Luke 6:35-38 ; Matt. 6:33 ; Rom. 5:3-12 ;
John 14:27 ; John 15:11 ; John 17:13 ; Rom. 14:17 ; Phil. 4:4-7 ; 1 Pet.
1:6-9 ). Follow God's will, His word which is His righteousness and the Kingdom
of God is yours to proclaim. We reign in life through righteousness.
6. Only God can change people ( Ezek. 36:26-27 ; Phil. 1:6 ; Phil. 2:13 ). You
cannot and are not responsible for changing others. You are accountable to God
solely for your own deeds ( Jer. 17:10 ; Ezek. 18:1-20 ; especially verse 20;
Matt. 16:27 ; Rom. 2:5-10 ; Col. 3:23-25 ; 1 Pet. 1:17 ), and are to do your
part in living at peace with others ( Matt. 5:23-24 ; Mark 11:25 ; Rom. 12:9-
21 ; Rom. 14:19 ; 1 Pet. 3:8-9 ; 1 Pet. 4:8 ).
7. When you confess your sins, God forgives and cleanses you ( 1 John 1:7-
9 ; Rom. 5:10 ; Heb. 7:22-25 ; Heb. 10:22-23 ). Our job is to honor the Blood
of Jesus by acting and proclaiming ourselves forgiven by His great sacrifice for us.
To act guilty, condemned or self-pitying is to make the cross ineffective. Self-pity
is negative pride, worshiping the devil.
As we follow God's way, walking in His word, living by His truths as so stated, we enter into His promises of an abundant life now, here on earth, as well as in eternity ( 1 Cor.6:17 ; John 5:24 ; John 4:24 ; John 10:10 ).
Memory Verse(s):
John l6:33 : Meditate on this verse, read and listen to it carefully, mull it
over until you really understand. We are 'overcomers' in Christ. It is about
time, we begin to replace evil with righteousness.
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